With the macro crash - correction underway, at the minimum this will run till end of MAY-JUNE 2025, and see the DOWJ correct between 32-34% + or - a % point, but could also be a macro top and macro low will print in 2032, as part of the 18.6 year MLS Lunar cycle. Currently I have sold all interests in large cap stocks that have topped or are about to top, and have completed my transition to small and mid caps in the Defence & Securities sectors, Biotechnology & Pharmaceuticals, Energy-emphasis on hydrogen sector, and AI. All the companies I have moved my capital into, have just bottomed or are about to bottom, and will see some huge upside against a falling stock market, money rotation is the name of the game now, with smart choices you can make good returns in a macro crash - correction. I'm also in short positions on the DOWJ and BTC, a snippet of stocks I'm now in are as below
With a number of others in the same fields, NFA DYOR ensure risk management and trade safe and protect your online identity
Can Palantir be considered part of the defence sector? What’s your take on this stock? 🤔📊