This week I covered the following topics/ideas:
1. GSV vs ULG: Bullish global/small/value vs US/large/growth on increasingly extreme cheap relative value (and supportive emerging macro scenario), awaiting turn in technicals to raise conviction.
2. China Equities: Remain bullish given improving macro and cheap absolute +relative valuations, bearish on the bonds though (and hence bullish Chinese stock/bond ratio).
3. EM Equities: Remain bullish EM equities as EM ex-China pulls their weight and EM ex-Asia remains significantly cheap, meanwhile sentiment remains skeptical and allocations well below average.
4. EM Fixed Income: Remain bullish given investor skepticism, turn in technicals, cheap valuations, and favorable policy path (likewise for EMFX), but wary of inflation resurgence risk.
5. Frontier Markets: Bullish frontier market equities given cheap absolute and relative valuations, turn up in technicals, policy pivot to rate cuts, and constructive FMFX outlook.