As the January 20 inauguration date draws near, traders are becoming increasingly vigilant. Last week, Trump privately told congressional Republicans that he plans to issue over 100 executive orders on his first day in office, targeting priorities like border security, immigration enforcement, and energy development. Trump reportedly expressed his desire to "make a splash" on day one, leveraging executive powers on a greater scale and at a faster pace than during his first term.The advent of “Trump 2.0” is certain to jolt the market. Historically, inaugural speeches often outline a "100-day plan" of policy priorities. During Trump’s first term, policies like immigration controls, withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), expanding energy exploration, and tariff investigations—ac
How Low Can DJT Stock Go?
DJT lost 35% last week and closed at $37 on Monday trading. This stock is largely dependent on a single individual, Donald Trump, who is undergoing a litany of legal cases. These cases will force him to loan or sell shares of $DJT, which would likely sink the share price. ------------------ What's your target price for DJT? How low can DJT stock go? If Trump loses again what value does he have?
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