
    • sham1990sham1990
    • sham1990sham1990
      +1 plz.Gojek strong presence in indonesia is a strong force to be reckoned with.

      Facebook's Payments Deal With Indonesia's Gojek Hits Headwinds

      March 9 (Reuters) - :Facebook'S Payments Deal With Indonesia'S Gojek Hits Headwinds - Ft.Facebook Si
      Facebook's Payments Deal With Indonesia's Gojek Hits Headwinds
    • sham1990sham1990
      Yay growth stockz for the win

      Tech stocks stage rebound, nasdaq roars back 3.6% for its best day in 4 months

      U.S. stocks rose on Tuesday after a decline in bond yields caused investors to rotate back into the
      Tech stocks stage rebound, nasdaq roars back 3.6% for its best day in 4 months
    • sham1990sham1990
      Silicon valley and a more mature thoughts of future lifestyle enhancement of the masses

      Coupang 36億美元的IPO顯示美國是科技公司IPO的福地

      彭博報道,韓國電子商務巨頭Coupang Inc.有望成爲韓國公司十年來最大的IPO。而且,就像當今大多數主要技術公司一樣,這宗IPO正在紐約發生。$Coupang, Inc.(CPNG)$ 有三大原因可以解釋爲什麼軟銀集團公司的孫正義(Masayoshi Son)支持的Coupang選擇美股上上市是更好的選擇。也許最重要的是,美股提供了可觀的估值溢價。它還擁有更深入,更靈活的市場,並允許同股不同權的投票權,這將使Coupang的創始人哈佛商學院退學生Bom Kim受益。美國一直是大型科技公司首次公開募股的首選目的地,2020年規模最大的首次公開募股Airbnb Inc.和DoorDash Inc.均在紐約上市。阿里巴巴集團控股有限公司和京東公司等中國電子商務巨頭也在那裏上市。Coupang正在尋求通過首次公開募股籌集至多36億美元,並可能獲得超過500億美元的價值。自三星集團(Samsung Group)於2010年將其保險部門在國內公開上市以來,這將使其成爲韓國公司最大的浮標。美國對科技公司估值最高Coupang在美國的首次公開發行(IPO)市盈率爲4.3倍,超過了亞馬遜的估值淑明大學市場營銷學教授Suh YongGu表示,如果這家虧損的電子商務公司在韓國上市(從本月起允許無利可圖的公司上市),Coupang的最高估值可能僅爲100億美元。 。Suh說:“韓國的資本主義歷史很短,因此韓國人不會將高估值歸因於虧損公司。”韓國的股票市場還不到70年的歷史,主要由財閥或家族控制的工業集團主導。實際上,該縣最大的財閥之一SK集團的子公司SK Bioscience Co.將在本月上市時成爲最新一家擁有股票市場的公司。據韓國《首爾經濟日報》週一報道,阿斯利康(A
      Coupang 36億美元的IPO顯示美國是科技公司IPO的福地
    • sham1990sham1990
      Buy the DIPS 

      Palantir plunged more than 13%

      (March 5) Palantir plunged more than 13%.
      Palantir plunged more than 13%
    • sham1990sham1990
      Very useful to switch to value stocks categories such as consumer discretionary and medicinal related at this point of time 

      3 Medtech Trends That Will Outlive the Pandemic

      Vaccines are starting to roll out in many parts of the world and some believe the beginning of the e
      3 Medtech Trends That Will Outlive the Pandemic
    • sham1990sham1990
      I wonder is a bigger entity manipulating the market or is it individual short sellers picking value stocks over growth stocks.

      Wall Street drops as high-flying tech stocks retreat

      (Reuters) - The Nasdaq ended sharply lower on Wednesday after investors sold high-flying technology
      Wall Street drops as high-flying tech stocks retreat
    • sham1990sham1990
    • sham1990sham1990
      Hopefully this wld be able to quantify the bullish projections forecasted by the company

      All Apple retail stores in U.S. open for first time in almost a year; stock jumps

      For the first time in almost a year, all of Apple Inc.'s U.S. retail stores are open.That milestone, along with news over the weekend jumping more than 5% on Monday, their biggest gain in more than four months.Apple closed all its stores outside China on March 13, 2020 , as the COVID-19 pandemic swept the globe. Its stores in China had closed that February.But as of Monday, all 270 Apple stores in the U.S. were open in some capacity, though some still have restrictions, such as being appointme
      All Apple retail stores in U.S. open for first time in almost a year; stock jumps
    • sham1990sham1990
      Great news for medicinal purposes

      Recreational marijuana legalization is coming to Virginia

      With1 in 3 Americansnow living in a state where adult pot use is legal, Virginia is no longersitting
      Recreational marijuana legalization is coming to Virginia

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      Company: TTMF Limited. Tech supported by Xiangshang Yixin.