
    • CKskyCKsky
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      小虎們,本週美股醫藥公司巨頭諾和諾德與禮來已經公佈財報![Cool]但是這兩家公司的財報卻大相徑庭!這到底是怎麼一回事呢?[Thinking]目前“減肥神藥”千億賽道吸金,獲國產資本扎堆涌入,又有哪些國產公司值得投資呢?[YoYo]諾和諾德銷售狂飆 營收利潤創新高 減肥藥需求強勁$諾和諾德(NVO)$ 第三季度因減肥和糖尿病藥品需求強勁,營收年增+29%,達587.3億丹麥克朗(約 83 億美元),超出市場預期,此外,第三季度營業利潤增長+33%,由於GLP -1藥物 Wegovy和 Ozempic都有助於減肥,兩藥銷售額大幅成長,但在美國面臨供應短缺問題,公司預計明年Wegovy的銷售仍將保持雙位數成長,不過對於Wegovy劑量供應限制何時結束公司並未詳述。公司計劃在美國和歐洲申請擴大Wegovy可減低心血管等疾病的用途申請,美國FDA已授予優先審查。受財報帶動,目前諾和諾德已經上漲3.33%!可以說市場極為看好![Call]禮來財報超預期,但大幅下調全年盈利指引 受訂單履行延遲拖累$禮來(LLY)$ 第三季營收達到95億美元, EPS為 0.10 美元,超出分析師預期,但公司將全年調整後利潤預測下調至每股6.50至6.70 美元(8月為 9.70 至 9.90 美元),下調主要是由於第三季度收購DICE Therapeutics、Versanis Bio和 Emergence Therapeutics期間產生的費用,眾所關注的糖尿病藥物Mounjaro在第三季度的銷售額上升到14.1億美元,超過分析師預期,由於需求高漲,部分訂單履行上遇到了延遲。“減肥神藥”千億賽道吸金,國內資本扎堆涌入近日,減肥藥界迎來
    • CKskyCKsky

      Good news and bad news for market pullback

      I have bad news and good news about the recent pullback in the market.The bad news is that big orders have been put in and institutions have really started shorting.The good news is to put the spread bearish, but the downside is limited.Institutional short strategies have generally been less aggressive this year than last, with the exception of banks. In the strategy design belongs to the relaxed state, the price drop is the best, if the price does not fall, there is no loss. So while there's very little upside right now, there's not a lot of downside, especially in the heavily weighted tech stocks.Personally, I think we can give up small-cap stocks to some extent this year. Comparing $, Inc.(AI)$ to $Micr
      Good news and bad news for market pullback

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