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      Q1 2023 review I was in full position in Q1 2023. I used graphics started from 01/01/2022. I called this investment cycle 'Fed interest hike campaign'. My previous investment cycle was called 'Covid-19 crisis', it started from March 2020, Covid-19 breakout, ended on Sep 2021, Covid-19 vaccine applied in major economic countries. My Investment object was two major oil company stocks in this campaign. The logic is that oil and gas were primary energy, it's demanded when world got out from Covid-19. My current ongoing campaign was 'Fed interest hike campaign'. The truth is that all assets were offered at a discounted price when Fed hikes interest. And the assets price will go back to the normal level when Feb places interest in the sustainable level. I added position in same frequency as F
      Q1 2023 review I was in full position in Q1 2023. I used graphics started from 01/01/2022. I called this investment cycle 'Fed interest hike campaign'. My previous investment cycle was called 'Covid-19 crisis', it started from March 2020, Covid-19 breakout, ended on Sep 2021, Covid-19 vaccine applied in major economic countries. My Investment object was two major oil company stocks in this campaign. The logic is that oil and gas were primary energy, it's demanded when world got out from Covid-19. My current ongoing campaign was 'Fed interest hike campaign'. The truth is that all assets were offered at a discounted price when Fed hikes interest. And the assets price will go back to the normal level when Feb places interest in the sustainable level. I added position in same frequency as F
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      南北水動向 | 北水近8日入中移動逾25億元港幣!今日大手淨入22,74億港幣

      北水今日淨入22.74億港幣,其中中國移動、香港交易所、中國電信分別獲凈入5.05億港元、4.1億港元、1.38億港元。建設銀行凈出額居首,金額為3.4億港元。北水已連續8日凈買入中國移動,累計約25.1663億港元。南水今日凈入0.76億元人民幣。TCL中環、寧德時代、中國中免分別獲凈買入5.14億元人民幣、5.06億元人民幣、4.08億元人民幣。招商銀行凈出額居首,金額為5.84億元人民幣。 $(00941)$ $(00728)$ $(00388)$
      南北水動向 | 北水近8日入中移動逾25億元港幣!今日大手淨入22,74億港幣
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      文 | 周天周天財經 原創出品賣保險時好話說盡,一到理賠就困難重重,是過去保險行業長期的一種印象。其實,這些年保險業進步不小,「一到理賠就刁難用戶」刻板印象,越來越像是一個「誤會」。這種「誤會」源自於在理賠過程中,保司要求用戶自己提交諸多發票、病歷這樣的材料,自證案件的真實性,而大多數用戶很少能一次交齊材料,爲了補交材料證明「我真的有病」,不得不四處奔波、排隊充滿着繁瑣和挫敗,這種「不安感」足以刺激用戶的惡感和逃離,併成爲「可怕故事」在親朋好友間流傳。這樣一來,對很多用戶來說,失去了被保障的機會,而對於行業來說,破壞的是來之不易的信任關係,行業蛋糕就會做不大。這是一個雙輸狀態。01 「爲什麼不早說?」當被要求補材料時,很多用戶第一反應是「你怎麼不早說,我都已經出院了」,螞蟻保險理賠科技負責人方勇聽過大量類似抱怨,他發現癥結在於:理賠是後置的,而票據、病歷這種材料是前置產生的,不留神就會弄丟。更讓用戶頭疼的是:看不懂保險公司的「內部行業術語」。比如,在醫療險的賠付中,保司要求用戶提交「出院憑證」,一些用戶會想當然地拍照上傳一種名叫「出院證」的材料。一字之差,其實是兩種東西。出院證是給保安門衛看的證明,是走出醫院大門時出示的「放行條」,而保司理賠部門期待的「出院憑證」,其實是醫生擬定的「出院小結」。還比如,保司要求的理賠材料中還包含「確診報告」,什麼是確診報告,用戶兩眼一抹黑,只能再返回醫院找醫生索要,不同醫院有不同習慣叫法。其實,保司想要的確診報告就是檢驗報告,如果是癌症,就需要活檢切片,如果是心梗,是需要看血檢裏的肌酐蛋白指標。連「去對醫院」,也大有學問。保司一般要求用戶去二級以上的公立醫院就診才予以賠付。而一些私立醫院的名稱很像公立醫院,用戶以爲自己去的是公立醫院,看完病才知道「保險不給報」。不難發現,理賠部門和醫院、用戶是幾套割裂的話語體系,保司要的是 A,但用戶費了大
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      [Reward]How do you like Charlie Munger‘s wisdom on life & investing

      Recently, What I heard the sharing from Munger that touched me the most is about "the secret of a Long-Lasting Marriage"?Munger said,"The secret to a long-lasting marriage is to lower your expectations,"Source:'s psychological habit of setting low expectations is deeply ingrained, because he feels that high expectations will lead to faultfinding, so he is also habitually not expecting too much on the road to happiness. Low expectations make people less likely to be disappointed.In addition, one more important thing before marriage: looking for a spouse, both he and his good friend and business partner-Warren Buffett, have relatively consistent views:Warren Buffett: The most important decision in life is whom to marry. When it come
      [Reward]How do you like Charlie Munger‘s wisdom on life & investing
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      Rising on the recovery in international air traffic SIAE's ($SIA ENGINEERING CO LTD(S59.SI)$ ) share price is down by around 10% from its May 2022 highs, underperforming the broad STI Index by around 10%. Its core profitability is now more imminent, so this should provide a more attractive entry point for investors to play the earnings recovery story for SIAE, on the back of the recovery in international air traffic. As China opens up, the recovery trends could be faster. Despite Singapore reopening fully, flight traffic at Singapore Changi Airport (the main base for SIAE's line maintenance operations), is still at 65% of pre-pandemic levels. As this moves towards the 80% mark in 2HFY23, SIE should achieve a core earnings turnaround. With
      Rising on the recovery in international air traffic SIAE's ($SIA ENGINEERING CO LTD(S59.SI)$ ) share price is down by around 10% from its May 2022 highs, underperforming the broad STI Index by around 10%. Its core profitability is now more imminent, so this should provide a more attractive entry point for investors to play the earnings recovery story for SIAE, on the back of the recovery in international air traffic. As China opens up, the recovery trends could be faster. Despite Singapore reopening fully, flight traffic at Singapore Changi Airport (the main base for SIAE's line maintenance operations), is still at 65% of pre-pandemic levels. As this moves towards the 80% mark in 2HFY23, SIE should achieve a core earnings turnaround. With
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      本文來源:時代財經 作者:王瑩嶺 1月7日,爲期40天的春運正式開始。 當日上午10點,廣州天氣晴朗,太陽照在身上暖暖的。廣州火車站人頭攢動,有不少人沒進站內的候車室,在廣場上曬着太陽候車,其中就有劉偉和他的工友,他們的火車11點發車。劉偉告訴時代財經,“我們還沒感染,有點怕裏面人太多,所以晚點進去。” 劉偉的擔憂是今年春運複雜性、挑戰性的一個縮影。 2023年春運,作爲對新冠病毒感染實施“乙類乙管”的第一個春運,交通運輸部預計2023春運期間客流總量將達到20.95億人次,比去年同期增長99.5%,恢復到2019年同期(29.8億人次)的70.3%。 來自國務院聯防聯控機制春運工作專班數據顯示,春運首日全國鐵路、道路、水路、民航共發送旅客3473.1萬人次,環比增長11.1%,比2022年同期增長38.9%。其中,鐵路發送旅客601.8萬人次,環比增長13.2%,比2019年同期下降35.7%,比2022年同期增長18.4%。 在1月6日的國新辦新聞發佈會上,交通運輸部副部長徐成光表示,今年春運人流高峯與疫情高峯疊加,是近年來不確定性最多、情況最爲複雜、困難挑戰最大的一次春運。 作爲華南地區的交通樞紐,1月6日和7日,時代財經記者分別走訪了廣州南站、廣州火車站,實探這個交疊着衆多不確定性和複雜性的春運下,有着怎樣的衆生相。 1月6日,廣州南站候車大廳,時代財經攝 候車室裏擠滿人,有人戴兩層口罩 作爲全面落實疫情防控優化措施以來的第一個春節,很多人都踏上了回家團圓的路途。 據交通運輸部預計,春運期間客流總量約爲20.95億人次,恢復到疫前7成。從客流構成看,預計探親流約佔春運客流的55%,務工流約佔24%,旅遊和商旅出行分別約佔10%。 在1月6日的廣州南站,雖距離春運正式開啓還有一日,但站內的人羣也已經摩肩接踵。進站口工作人員黃宇告訴時代財經,“這幾天的人流量比元旦多得
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      韓國雙龍汽車啓用新名“KG Mobility”

      韓國雙龍汽車(SSANG YONG Motor)將時隔35年更改公司名稱,啓用新名“KG Mobility”。雙龍汽車日後推出的新車將以KG之名面世。雙龍汽車於1954年以“河東煥汽車製作所”之名成立。1986年,雙龍集團收購東亞汽車,公司名於1988年改爲雙龍汽車。雙龍汽車從1998年起多次易主,先後由大宇集團、債權團、中國上海汽車、印度馬恆達接管,後於2020年12月申請啓動重整程序。雙龍經過長時間的出售過程於今年8月終於花落KG集團,11月還結束長達1年11個月的法定重整程序。(全球企業動態)
      韓國雙龍汽車啓用新名“KG Mobility”
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