• BarcodeBarcode
      $Costco(COST)$ $Amazon.com(AMZN)$ $Spotify Technology S.A.(SPOT)$ $Netflix(NFLX)$ $Alphabet(GOOGL)$  📈🔺🅱️🆄🅻🅻🅸🆂🅷🔺📈 📊🚀💸 Subscription Stalwarts: Stocks You’d Never Unsubscribe From! 💸🚀📊 Kia ora Tiger traders! Ever realised you’re so loyal to certain subscriptions that even a 10% price hike couldn’t shake you? If that sounds like you, why not double down and own the stock! Today, we’re diving into five of the most unshakeable subscription titans out there – including one with pattern power that’s just too good to ignore! Let’s take a look: Amazon ($AMZN) – The “Add to Cart” Em
    • JNK6JNK6
    • Kelvin 梁Kelvin 梁
      The question is Timing “or” Ticker but not “and”. Hence my choice will be timing. Ticker bear or bull you can reap the earning. Love always lets peace come
    • PinkspiderPinkspider
      Upcoming PCE is inportant we will have a better undertsanding about where the economy is heading to
    • Upswing118Upswing118
      timing n ticker for sure. one more luck! hate to say that but it's inevitable. sure many of us gained from time to time, what goes on globally is really beyond our control.
    • sexymintsexymint
      Ticker for long term investments. Great companies go up in the long run. <br> Timing for trading. You can short or long stocks based on probabilities on the direction. If you use ticker + timing for investments, you'll end up with even more returns.
    • sexymintsexymint
      Ticker for long term investments. Great companies go up in the long run. Timing for trading. You can short or long stocks based on probabilities on the direction.
      I believe ticker is number 1. Remember, time in the market is more important than timing the market. Pick a good ticker and all will be well
    • AxekayAxekay
      To me, TICKER is more important than timing due to the following reasons: 1) Wrong ticker, company may never recover or even shut down for good. Not sure when will meme stocks like $AMC Entertainment(AMC)$ ever recover to its ATH or even mean price. Well, I guess only time will tell. 2) As the saying goes, time in the market is better than timing the market. No one, even with technical analysis, will be able to time when to buy or sell the stocks with perfect accuracy (otherwise everyone would have bought $Meta Platforms, Inc.(META)$ and $Netflix(NFLX)$ when they were 100). Trust the ticker and over time, it will be rewarding. Now I can only hope that
    • Johnnie TradewellJohnnie Tradewell
      Ticker is crucial as the business should be the one we are after
    • yeetmin76yeetmin76
      Shall build the system was good timing & ticker for these investors, is that syetem exist? 🧐
    • B.N.FB.N.F
      Right timing simply means buying retracements
    • HMHHMH
      $Tiger Brokers(TIGR)$ Both timing and choosing the right ticker are crucial factors in investing in the stock market. However, the importance of each may vary depending on individual investment strategies and goals. Generally, choosing the right ticker is often considered more important because even with perfect timing, investing in a poorly performing stock can lead to losses. Conversely, selecting a fundamentally strong stock with growth potential can still yield positive returns even if the timing isn't optimal. Buffett famously said, "It's far better to buy a wonderful company at a fair price than a fair company at a wonderful price." This underscores the significance of focusing on the quality of the company rather than attempting to time the
    • jas88888888jas88888888
      $Tiger Brokers(TIGR)$ Right place at the right time , stars must align 😉
    • SandyboySandyboy
      $Tiger Brokers(TIGR)$  I strongly believe that the best ticker can be poor investments at the wrong price, and bad tickers can be great investments at the right price. So by this price is something we can derive only by timing.
    • Mrcool0917Mrcool0917
      $Tiger Brokers(TIGR)$ Definitely the ticker, a company can be a bad and struggling one that manage to survive for years by mere threshold the skin of your teeth whereas a good and thriving company can simply bring the stock returns to another level within a short period of time. So clearly the deciding factor is the ticker[What]  
    • nomadic_mnomadic_m
      pretty sure both timing & ticker are equally important in the stock market. lots of info online to identify a good company. easy peasy, do your research. to me, what's challenging is timing. sure, there's skills & experience on reading technical analysis, but no one can accurately predict what's going to happen at the next millisecond. today 14 Feb, US Inflation report was bad news. everything in my portfolio was red. $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ was the lonely green 💚. who would have thought? 🤷
    • RokinRokin
      $Tiger Brokers(TIGR)$ Choose a penny stocks at right time ( Where company is going to create the Market rather than compete) , Wait for 10 year your penny stocks will be multibagger. 
    • Nemz5022Nemz5022
    • PoorBoyLeonPoorBoyLeon
      $Tiger Brokers(TIGR)$ I would say both are equally important. Timing would be important for traders while ticker would be more important for investors. Traders are always looking for the right time to jump in and out of a trade, what they need is a ticker with volatile no matter the quality of the ticker. Investors would look for a ticker that shows good management, growth potential for the long run. For me, i try to get a good timing (CSP) and a good ticker, that's definitely a way to optimise your RoR. [Miser]  
    • BarcodeBarcode
      $Costco(COST)$ $Amazon.com(AMZN)$ $Spotify Technology S.A.(SPOT)$ $Netflix(NFLX)$ $Alphabet(GOOGL)$  📈🔺🅱️🆄🅻🅻🅸🆂🅷🔺📈 📊🚀💸 Subscription Stalwarts: Stocks You’d Never Unsubscribe From! 💸🚀📊 Kia ora Tiger traders! Ever realised you’re so loyal to certain subscriptions that even a 10% price hike couldn’t shake you? If that sounds like you, why not double down and own the stock! Today, we’re diving into five of the most unshakeable subscription titans out there – including one with pattern power that’s just too good to ignore! Let’s take a look: Amazon ($AMZN) – The “Add to Cart” Em
    • JNK6JNK6