
    • ahnan1984ahnan1984
      Great ariticle, would you like to share it?

      Market hot sentiment - Revisit memes

      Market seems to experience some technical rebound this week. Is this a trend reversal or just some dead cat rebound, it's hard to conclude at this moment, so do trade with cautious. Usually the meme stocks tend to rally crazily once the market sentiment turns positive. However, never hold long and remember to take profit once you hits your targeted profit. Let's look into the trend of several memes. FFIE daily chart The prediction earlier last week was correct, with strong two big green candles of rebound but the stock end flat at the end of week after a crash on last Wednesday. Anyway, it's still a very risky trade of this company. From technical point of view, the blue support level near 1 dollar seem to be a strong support. With current price, the risk reward ratio seem to b
      Market hot sentiment - Revisit memes
    • ahnan1984ahnan1984
      Great ariticle, would you like to share it?

      Ford and UAW Reach Tentative Deal

      A Boost for the Blue Oval In a significant development, $Ford(F)$ and the United Auto Workers (UAW) union have announced a tentative labor deal for a 4-1/2-year contract. This agreement is not just groundbreaking but also historic, as it signals the end of a prolonged strike that has lasted over a month. For both the UAW and Ford, this tentative deal is a big win, and it has the potential to influence similar negotiations with other automakers. The core of this tentative agreement involves a substantial pay boost. Workers will see a 25% wage increase over the course of the contract, which kicks off with an initial 11% raise. This is a substantial jump, and when combined with compounding and cost-of-living mechanisms, it equates to more than a 33% pay
      Ford and UAW Reach Tentative Deal
    • ahnan1984ahnan1984

      Market Trends: Where the Smart Money Moving?

      Tracking the Mega TrendsPhoto by Tuesday Temptation on UnsplashThe markets have been highly volatile in the past months. We have been clueless about the direction of major indices until last week when the bulls gained traction.I have been tracking a few data points and observed the below:Post COVID-19 market rally, the energy sector (oil & gas) has outperformed the broader markets. Along with the oil price rally, most oil and gas producing nations (except a few for legal reasons) have witnessed a rally: countries like Saudi, Qatar, and UAE — the markets have outperformed the S&P 500.Source: Author @ WIBEWith the regulations easing up in China on various sectors (real estate, tech, finance, etc.), the rally started in the Chinese equities only for a short period, and it is back to w
      Market Trends: Where the Smart Money Moving?
    • ahnan1984ahnan1984


    • ahnan1984ahnan1984


      山東黃金集團擬發行(上限)1億美元永續資本證券,最終指導價4.95%久期財經訊,山東黃金集團有限公司(Shandong Gold Group Co.,Ltd,簡稱“山東黃金集團”,標普:BBB- 穩定)擬發行Reg S、以美元計價的有擔保永續資本證券。(FPG)條款如下:發行人:SDG Finance Limited擔保人:山東黃金集團有限公司擔保人評級:標普:BBB- 穩定類型:有擔保永續資本證券發行規則:Reg S發行規模:(上限)1億美元發行期限:PNC3初始指導價:5.5%區域最終指導價:4.95%交割日:2022年5月24日資金用途:爲集團成員的若干債務再融資及一般公司用途其他條款:最小面額/增量爲20萬美元/1000美元;英國法;港交所上市清算機構:歐洲清算銀行/明訊銀行聯席全球協調人、聯席賬簿管理人和聯席牽頭經辦人:中國銀行、中信里昂(B&D)、星展銀行、海通國際、瑞穗證券、山金證券香港聯席賬簿管理人和聯席牽頭經辦人:農銀國際、中銀國際、民銀資本、信銀資本、中信銀行國際、銀河國際、光銀國際、中金公司、國泰君安國際、浦發銀行國際、中泰國際
    • ahnan1984ahnan1984


      外圍市場再次下探,大A獨立行情獻上。不過需注意的是,及時切換板塊是必須的,沒有一直漲不跌的,注意輪動。那麼如今情況下,下一個板塊個股輪到哪裏了?具體且看本文,首先,讓我們先來看基礎盤面: 大基建直接開盤在“板”上,也沒有任何追高的機會了。資金是聰明的,馬上活躍到今天的主線上,什麼主線?盤前策略說得很清楚了,今天開始新的強勢主線,上海復工復產。復甦預期典型特徵是旅遊和酒店全部強勢,相對於旅遊來說,酒店板塊有機構加持,更有趨勢特徵。可以作爲機構風向標。 在市場指數衝高的過程中,有兩種策略選擇:一是盯着大基建的強勢,二是盯着弱勢調整的,這兩種都有機會。就怕不盯不看。 基建的持續時間會比較偏重波段,短期又有遊資標籤,能把握的機會其實並不是在“衝的那一刻,而是在低位調整的時候。 指數解析:指數進入關鍵壓力區域,最近三個月,還沒有成功突破機構區域,今天是短期的第二次嘗試,從反彈到反轉必經之路。指數迎難而上,無所畏懼。 大基建之中西部地區,圍繞能源和基建邏輯,目前公司在雲南、貴州、四川、西藏、廣西等西部地區有在建的工程施工項目,在新疆、甘肅、西藏有投資清潔能源發電項目,已投產的清潔能源總裝機783.5MW,在建項目200MW。 近期很多人都比較關心出口產業鏈公司,做一些跟蹤情況: 一季度普遍折算在6.3左右,4月份後反向波動,一季度出口型企業盈利能力邊際改善有限,但是二季度開始,平均折算,會對出口型公司的毛利率帶來顯著變化,以Q1單季度利潤和21年末在手美元貨幣量測算,對單季度的利潤貢獻較大。 比如機械產品需求大多數在疫情前就已經在海外建立了良好的競爭力,受供應鏈轉移的影響會比較小。整體來看,部分產品的需求隨着疫情好轉在逐漸修復 由於德克薩斯是棉花的主產區,那麼對於市場服裝服飾板塊有極大催化。也是出口重要的成本優勢 充分受益上海復工復產,兩大塊:半導體和汽車產業鏈,盤前策略已經完全
    • ahnan1984ahnan1984


      $Gold - Apr 2022(GC2204)$$10-YR T-NOTE - Jun 2022(ZN2206)$ Gold remaining in its current range awaiting new information.2 scenarios could thus emerge in the short-medium term:- Gold could dive back into territory below $1,900 if the Fed in the coming days offers more hawkish clues.- On the other hand, new sanctions imposed on Russia which heighten inflationary pressures and further cloud the global economic outlook should provide significant support for spot gold to rally towards $2,000.Rally panic beyond $2,000 could be triggered with the collapse of the Ukraine/Russia talks or a proven recession...however this last scenario remains in the background for
    • ahnan1984ahnan1984

      Hot stocks covered call reference [March 19]

      Selling covered call options (sell covered call) is a strategy adopted by many large funds. It can also be used by retail investors in the US stock market.You can get income while holding it. This strategy is very suitable for stocks that have long-term positions, but they have not moved but they are not in a bearish position recently or are in a bearish position recently. It can be a good strategy for mature investors to roll over when holding some targets for a long time. Income comparison Assume that investors hold 200 shares of Amazon from January 1 to December 17, 2021 If there is no operation during the holding period, the final total assets will be USD 675,484 If the covered call strategy is carried out, it will be operated once a week; if 100 shares are sold after the exercise, ano
      Hot stocks covered call reference [March 19]
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