
    • yongtsyongts
      $SingPost(S08.SI)$ The  group CEO does not deserved to be running singpost and making so much. He should be demoted or sack. Together with all the board members.  Enclosed see their salary. Do you think they deserved that kind of high pay to commensurate their performance?
    • yongtsyongts
      $SingPost(S08.SI)$ although it is asset positive company. ITs group CEO is already 2 yrs plus into the job but still clueless! Needed outside help & insight. Will anyone invest into this company?. Will there be a take over( friendly/ hostile)? If organic growth,with this CEO i think singpost will struggle unless economy improve( natural growth).  Hope i am wrong as i am a shareholder too. They should change the whole board members to really help the company.  
    • yongtsyongts
      $Hosen(5EV.SI)$ This is not a active traded counter. Hosen is a profitable co. With famous brand.It is at a price & below fair mrk capitalisation. Easy target mrk speculation for controlling or deep pocket shareholders. Dividend coming in MAY 24. Yet price going down. So good chance speculators are pressing the price down to mop up shares at low. Then near or after dividend they will boost up price then sell. So far not much change hand yet. I am still waiting for volume to go up. Can monitor this stock. Do your own due diligent.  
    • yongtsyongts
      $SingPost(S08.SI)$ hopless CEO ( singpost). 
    • yongtsyongts
      Great ariticle, would you like to share it?

      BRIEF-Peijia Medical Says NMPA Approval For Registration Application Of Dcwiretm Micro Guidewire

      July 7 (Reuters) - Peijia Medical Ltd : * NMPA APPROVAL FOR REGISTRATION APPLICATION OF DCWIRETM MICRO GUIDEWIRE Further company coverage: ((Reuters.Briefs@thomsonreuters.com;))
      BRIEF-Peijia Medical Says NMPA Approval For Registration Application Of Dcwiretm Micro Guidewire
    • yongtsyongts
      $SINGAPORE POST LIMITED(S08.SI)$  after the blind board members employed vincent phang as CEO , singpost share price has been going down!!!!!. He was formally from Toll and did not do well there. The value of singpost has now plunged to record low . Making it look valueless.  Book value is more than total share price( co. Value).  This guy is brainless and is at a loss. I think he is very comfortable and complacent totally ignoring what he is there for.  Singpost is a pioneer and biggest player in post and delivery and logistics in Singapore or use to be ( but still the only official licensees for general post). Why he cannot use singpost economy of scale and natural advantages to beat those small players?. They have been slo
    • yongtsyongts
      $JIUTIAN CHEMICAL GROUP LIMITED(C8R.SI)$  Hold your fort now. Let the the short slers feel the heat. Short squeeze them by selli g high not low. Today 15 millions shares +- need to be purchased back by short sellers.
    • yongtsyongts
      $HALCYON AGRI CORPORATION LTD(5VJ.SI)$  short position is about 4.5million shares on the 17/11/22. So on 21/11/22. Most if not all short seller have to cover their position. So prepare to see coming monday price will shoot up definitely. Probably over 0.40.
    • yongtsyongts
      $HALCYON AGRI CORPORATION LTD(5VJ.SI)$  why sell at the low 0.38 when you know 4.5millions shares need to cover their position today?. 
    • yongtsyongts
      $JIUTIAN CHEMICAL GROUP LIMITED(C8R.SI)$last hour someone is trying to press down d price.0.079 which is daily <1%. I believe it will go up to 0.08 at least when short seller( 31st oct) try to cover position.today they will escape short squeeze. In Singapore short seller almost all d time escape short squeeze.

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