
    • JinnjieJinnjie

      Time Travel with Tiger, Join the Memorabilia Adventure Now!!!

      Happy Birthday to TIGER!!! This year, we have prepared a time machine to go on an adventure with you. Come and find surprising gifts as we stroll down memory lane!There are so many wonderful little stories in our Tiger Quest. Collect as many coins as you can in the game, these will be your basic points of this game. Apart from one mini-game mission for SG/AU/NZ, the games will be open every week, and there are endless treasures waiting for you to discover. Points can be redeemed for multiple rewards, and you can win a share of up to USD 200,000 worth of prizes! Want to win extra points? Check out these mini-games, try them, stay with us and be PAWSITIVE!Remember to collect the cards and spell out "T.I.G.E.R" during your journey for a chance to receive the limited edition 8th Anniversary Gi
      Time Travel with Tiger, Join the Memorabilia Adventure Now!!!
    • JinnjieJinnjie


      一個原本衰老沉悶的小鄉鎮,因爲書店和文學重拾活力。英國小鎮海伊的故事不免引人遐想,紙質書的未來似乎並沒有成爲定局。 文丨FT中文網專欄作家 張璐詩 Lucy Cheung近年來經常會聽到與書店有關的、帶着悲傷色彩的故事。但位於英格蘭與威爾士交界地帶的小鎮瓦伊河畔的海伊(Hay-on-Wye,簡稱Hay),原本是個老齡化嚴重、沉悶單調的小鄉鎮,在過去半個世紀中,這裏卻因爲書店和文學而重獲生機。它的故事也許能讓傳統的愛書人精神爲之一振。小鎮海伊的常住人口不到兩千,在過去的30多年裏,這裏年年都會舉辦海伊文學藝術節(Hay Festival),而且平均每年都能吸引大概50萬名來自世界各地的遊客,Hay也因此成爲二戰以來英國發展最爲成功的旅遊城鎮之一。但說到文學藝術節的由來,卻比較偶然:在1988年由當地人Peter Florence與其父母一起用打撲克牌遊戲贏來的錢所創辦。當然此處還有一個背景:海伊當時已是名滿天下的“書之鎮”(Town of Books)。Hay Festival藉此得以迅速獲得成功,並逐年發展成爲以圖書爲起點,並超越圖書的文化藝術慶典。每年初夏,全英媒體會傾巢而出報道這一文化盛事。文學藝術節的主席,還由在英國家喻戶曉的演員、作家兼主持人斯蒂芬•弗萊(Stephen Fry)擔任。 文學藝術節的主席由演員、作家兼主持人斯蒂芬•弗萊(Stephen Fry)擔任,攝影:張璐詩 創辦文學藝術節固然是Peter一家人的主意,但“書之鎮”的緣起卻要歸功於另一位名叫Richard Booth的小夥。1962年,牛津畢業生Richard繼承了叔父在海伊的一筆財產,在小鎮的老消防局裏開辦了自己的二手書店,並帶上三倆壯漢,從書店大量倒閉的美國運回大批的二手書籍。很快,小鎮裏就有不少人如法炮製。在隨後的十年間,二手書店在海伊遍地開花。1977年的“愚人節”,Richard決定玩個

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