$Baidu(BIDU)$ how much is Baidu's owned trip.com shares worth? Is it anywhere near to Baidu market cap? If yes, that means you literally buy baidu and get trip.com for free?
This is the pivotal point and will trigger all time high in the next few quarters before moderating. China has all the might and means if they want to something. Previously the gov depressed the economy and took opportunity to reform and become self reliant. Now they are ready and it is time to stimulate the economy and sustainability grow to new height.
$Baidu(BIDU)$ just realized Baidu was the top share holder of trip.com. after recent selling of some trip.com holding worth around 500 mil USD, Baisu still own about 7% of trip.com. That is worth at least 3 billion USD in today valuation. I wonder what other valuable stocks does Baidu own.