
    • cbl99cbl99
      Great article, would you like to share it?
      I believe most of us had been caught in the cycle of revenge trading. I had learned my lesson not to buy the dip as the dip can be deeper [Facepalm] [Spurting] I continue buy the dip from 20, 10 now ? [LOL] I didn't see the stock bounce back ever since...
      I believe most of us had been caught in the cycle of revenge trading. I had learned my lesson not to buy the dip as the dip can be deeper [Facepalm] [Spurting] I continue buy the dip from 20, 10 now ? [LOL] I didn't see the stock bounce back ever since...
    • cbl99cbl99
      Great article, would you like to share it?
      @TigerGPT if you only have enough money to buy one stock, which one will you buy? $Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing(TSM)$ $SUPER MICRO COMPUTER INC(SMCI)$ $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$
      @TigerGPT if you only have enough money to buy one stock, which one will you buy? $Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing(TSM)$ $SUPER MICRO COMPUTER INC(SMCI)$ $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$
    • cbl99cbl99
      Great article, would you like to share it?
      $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ In the next two weeks we have two of the biggest catalysts until the election in November. Jackson Hole and $NVDA earnings Have to think Powell will be dovish at Jackson Hole after last week, maybe a dip early next week to set the stage for a rally into Nvidia’s report.
      $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ In the next two weeks we have two of the biggest catalysts until the election in November. Jackson Hole and $NVDA earnings Have to think Powell will be dovish at Jackson Hole after last week, maybe a dip early next week to set the stage for a rally into Nvidia’s report.
    • cbl99cbl99


    • cbl99cbl99


      本文來源:時代財經 作者:鍾黛 圖片來源:圖蟲創意 兩年時間,曾經“一房難求”的環滬樓市換了光景。 “前兩天剛出的優惠政策,嘉興南湖區的萬科光年裏買房返現。一套98平、總價160多萬元的小戶型,返現8萬元。一分不留,全部給你。”一名鏈家中介對時代財經表示。 他稱,從該盤步行兩三分鐘即可到達當地排名前三的小學。除了可返現之外,以前認購該盤必須綁定一個總價30萬元的車位,現在可以申請不綁定車位。如果選擇單買車位的話,只需20萬元或15萬元即可拿下。 “現在萬科的新盤優惠力度很大。開發商想盡快地把房子賣掉,接下一個項目。”該名中介稱。 “嘉興樓市前幾年炒太高了,現在庫存壓力大,賣不動。就在2021年,嘉興市區新房還供不應求,買房要找關係,一套房要綁定兩三個車位。如今開發商加速去庫存,有些盤免費送車位。”深耕環滬樓市十餘年的中介張世雄告訴時代財經,嘉興市區的南湖、國商、科技城等板塊均面臨較大的去化壓力。 嘉興距離上海、杭州的車程均僅1小時,這曾讓其吃到兩大城市購買力外溢的紅利。而當投資類的購房需求退潮,當地內生的自住需求無法消化被炒高的房價和高企的庫存。 這座環滬小城的樓市,正在顯露其真實的底色。 環滬等待小陽春 春節後,上海、南京、蘇州等長三角核心城市樓市春意漸染,而環滬的多個市縣仍相對平淡。 嘉興市住建局數據顯示,春節後的兩週,嘉興市本級的新房備案銷售了278套,相比節前兩週增長15%;備案銷售面積爲3.69萬平方米,相比節前下降3%。節後兩週,銷量最好的項目未來天辰苑賣了26套,其次是雲之灣(1幢-34幢)賣了18套。 克而瑞研究中心研究員俞倩倩對時代財經表示:“嘉興市場春節後,伴隨房企促銷政策觸底,疊加嘉興房貸利率也進入3字頭利好,售樓處來訪量增加非常明顯,雖然其中‘瞭解看看’的態度佔比仍較高,但近兩週的成交依然有小反彈,預計3-4月會迎來一波小窗口期。” 整體而言,嘉興
    • cbl99cbl99


    • cbl99cbl99


    • cbl99cbl99

      Tale of the two Morgans

      JP Morgan is our top pick in US banks Consumer banking has gone up one up over Investment Banking. Last Friday, both JP Morgan and Morgan Stanley reported 3Q22 results, but their shares price had contrasting fortunes. JP Morgan rose 1.7% outperforming the 2.4% drop in S&P500 Index. On the other hand, Morgan Stanley slumped 5.1%, its heaviest daily decline since June 2020. Here are my insights: Contrasting earnings results Higher interest rate has benefited JP Morgan JP Morgan is at a bargain valuation Contrasting earnings results JP Morgan reported earnings beat where else Morgan Stanley missed market expectations. Below is a summary of their results: JP Morgan -3Q EPS and Revenue: $3.12 and $33.5 billion, ahead of expectations of $2.88 and $32.1 billion. Morgan Stanley -3Q EPS and
      Tale of the two Morgans
    • cbl99cbl99


    • cbl99cbl99
      Why Stock-Market Bulls Keep Falling for Fed "Pivot" Feints -- and What It Will Take to Put in a Bottom Dow Jones 2022-10-09 10:18 Credit Suisse Group AG -1.65% Post Should you buy stocks now, or wait? Timing the market has been a nagging question for investors ever since stocks began their decline by roughly 25% in January of this year. The right answer likely hinges on whether or not the Federal Reserve follows through with plans to raise its benchmark interest rate to 4.5% or higher, as market-based indicators and the Fed's latest batch of projections anticipate. Global markets are on edge about the possibility of an emerging-markets crisis resulting from higher interest rates and a U.S. dollar at a 20 year high, or a slump in the housing market due to rising mortgage rates, or the colla
      Why Stock-Market Bulls Keep Falling for Fed "Pivot" Feints -- and What It Will Take to Put in a Bottom Dow Jones 2022-10-09 10:18 Credit Suisse Group AG -1.65% Post Should you buy stocks now, or wait? Timing the market has been a nagging question for investors ever since stocks began their decline by roughly 25% in January of this year. The right answer likely hinges on whether or not the Federal Reserve follows through with plans to raise its benchmark interest rate to 4.5% or higher, as market-based indicators and the Fed's latest batch of projections anticipate. Global markets are on edge about the possibility of an emerging-markets crisis resulting from higher interest rates and a U.S. dollar at a 20 year high, or a slump in the housing market due to rising mortgage rates, or the colla

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