
    • jamesyapjamesyap
      Buy US alphabet which intrinsic value is cheaper

      美股回調為港股添壓 恆指再試萬八萬

      債息抽升美股回調 美國6月份私人職位激增,加上聯儲局6月議息紀錄顯示今年內仍有機會加息兩次,昨晚2年期債息抽上5.1釐,為2006年以來最高,反映市場對通脹快速回落的預期降溫,美股週四顯著向下,道指一度急插逾五百點,收市挫366點或1.07%,標指跌0.79%,以科技股為主的納指跌0.82%,三大指數連跌兩日。反映中概股表現的金龍指數插3.04%,拖累港股ADR比例指數再跌過百點至18400水平。 人滙走弱利淡港股 再者,美國維持高利率或至少6至9個月至明年中才開始減息,與市場預期有落差。高利率支持下美元滙價相對偏穩,美元兌一籃子主要貨幣的美滙指數(DXY)企穩於103以上,變相令亞太區新興市場貨幣包括人民幣亦受壓,目前兌美元維持在7.25附近,正逐步向去年10月約7.375水平進發,利淡港股。 恆指萬八萬再受壓 恆指昨日急挫577點,主要原因或是內房債及地方債危機再現,加上外圍歐美債息大幅攀升,息魔困擾大市。恆指跌穿了自去年11月至今年1月升浪回調50%黃金比率的18649點支持,而且14天RSI亦未見超賣,仍有再跌空間,果然今日隨外圍低開近百點後只微彈十多點至18448點便止步,週二高位還在19449,今日已低1000點,而早市低位跌破18300點,再殺掉2200多張期指牛證,暫低見18279點,較盤前預期低位18234相差不遠,中午收報18341點,跌191點,半日成交金額減至452億元,資金未見湧躍撈底。早市波幅未足200點,料午市一是破頂回補即市下跌裂口,升回昨日低位18483點之上,但上述的18649點變成短綫反彈重要阻力位,昨日高位18973則成為短綫反彈重要阻力位,一是破底下試16月初低位18190點,後市一旦下破18044點,相信萬八關也不保,7月暫呈先高後低格局向下尋底。
      美股回調為港股添壓 恆指再試萬八萬
    • jamesyapjamesyap
      Investor must look at the stock intrinsic value before any purchase

      How investors lose money in the stock market?

      Today let's take a look at a few reasons why investors lose money in the stock market. With the S&P 500 up 15.0% year-to-date, & the tech heavy Nasdaq Composite up 31.5% year-to-date, I hope most of you reading this are seeing more greens in your portfolio than reds. Failing to understand the fair value of the business They fail to understand what the value of the business is. Often times, investors do not know how to value calculate the intrinsic value or fair value of a stock. There are several methods of arriving at a fair value of a stock. Hence they are cautious as to wether they should buy a stock that has been sold off by the market, and hence appeared unloved. Instead they look for stocks that have risen and then decide that now the stock that they were considering is now l
      How investors lose money in the stock market?
    • jamesyapjamesyap
      Banking stock will continue to soar in the near future

      The $2.2 Billion Reason Why You Should Invest in OCBC Now |

      @The Investing Iguana
      Watch YouTube Video (10 minutes) at https://youtu.be/uYYbiqk3GWY 🟩🟩 Dive into the world of finance with the latest episode from "The Investing Iguana", your ultimate guide to smart investing. In this episode, our host, Iggy, gives an in-depth analysis of the Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation (OCBC) - one of Singapore's largest banks with a significant presence in Southeast Asia. You won't want to miss this episode as Iggy reveals OCBC's ambitious growth plan set to generate an additional $2.2 billion in revenue by 2025! 🟡TIMESTAMP ============== 0:00 - Introduction 0:18 - Overview of OCBC 1:00 - OCBC's recent performance 1:45 - OCBC's new growth strategy 2:10 - Growth Pillar 1: Greater China 3:00 - Growth Pillar 2: ASEAN 3:50 - Growth Pillar 3: Wealth Management 4:45 - Gr
      The $2.2 Billion Reason Why You Should Invest in OCBC Now |
    • jamesyapjamesyap
      Google and Microsoft are the only 2 tech stocks that are still undervalue.
    • jamesyapjamesyap
      Google intrinsic value is $160. Based on current price of $120, it is selling at a discount. 
    • jamesyapjamesyap
      Google Intrinsic value Alphabet Intrinsic value is $160.  Based on current price of $120.90, it is a value for money buy.

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